Teaching Assistant Positions
SOCI 240: Statistics for Social Research 
Supervisors: Sangeeta Parashar, Ph.D. and Yong Wang, Ph.D. 
(Winter 2022, Spring 2023, Summer 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024)
The goal of this course is to introduce you to quantitative techniques of data analysis that you, as budding researchers, will use to examine social phenomena. Methods covered are basic but useful for understanding statistical reports of various kinds, scholarly articles, and also for conducting your own analyses. During the first half of the semester, we will focus on descriptive statistics and cover strategies for interpreting data and examining relationships between two variables. The second part focuses on statistical inference, specifically concepts underlying data collection and probability sampling, sampling distribution and its importance to statistical inference about populations, various types of hypothesis testing, correlation, and linear regression.
SOCI 301: Sociological Research Methods 
Supervisor: Sangeeta Parashar, Ph.D. (Fall 2023)
Topics covered include—among others—measurement validity and reliability, random and nonrandom sampling, experimental designs, survey research and questionnaire construction, ethnographic methods such as participant observation and interviewing, evaluation research, and ethical issues such as informed consent, privacy, and conflicts of interest. Through hands-on experience with the logic and methods/tools of social research, you should be able to identify the best practices and execute the essential steps and tools of the research process. 
SOCI 201: Foundations of Sociological Inquiry
Supervisor: Sangeeta Parashar, Ph.D. (Fall 2022)
An introduction to the methods and theory of sociological inquiry. Topics include comparisons of dominant paradigms of sociological thought, critical analysis of basic concepts in the field, logic and rhetoric of sociological analysis, and ethical and value issues in the practice of sociology. Emphasis will also be placed upon writing sociology: documentation, literature search, organization, and style.
SOCI 250: Special Topics in Polity, Policy, and Process
Supervisors: Sangeeta Parashar, Ph.D. and Maneesha Kelkar, M.A. (Fall 2022)
Special Topics in Polity, Policy, and Process will take a problem-based approach to policy-making and leadership in the public sphere. After identifying and contextualizing a local/community social problem or challenge, students will actively engage in strategizing creative solutions as well as effectively communicating about them. During this process, they will also interact with policy-makers, community leaders, academics, and other stakeholders, thus learning to analyze policy issues through a hands-on approach. 
Tutoring Positions
SOCI 556: Data Analysis
Supervisor: Yong Wang, Ph.D. (Spring 2024)
This course introduces students to the foundational techniques of statistical modeling in a progressive manner. These models may be applied to a wide range of research fields such as market analysis, evaluation, and applied social sciences, and eventually to data mining and machine learning. This course prepares students to conduct statistical analyses in practical settings and helps students attain the ability to interpret and present results and findings of statistical analysis. Instruction in this course relies primarily on the R-language and the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) of RStudio to exemplify hands-on techniques. 
SOCI 510: Applied Quantitative Methods
Supervisor: Sydney Reeves, M.A. (Fall 2023)
This course will serve as a refresher on working with data and basic statistical concepts such as correlation and mean comparisons. These concepts will be explored in an applied setting utilizing the statistical program, R. The second objective for this course is to acquire a proficient ability using R Studio. This includes data wrangling (tidyverse), data visualization (ggplot), and reporting (RMarkdown).
Volunteer Tutor, Heart Math Tutoring
Supervisors: Haritha Wunnava, M.S. and Karen Devine (January 2020 - April 2022)
Heart Math Tutoring (HMT) gives young students successful experiences in math through one-on-one, volunteer-delivered tutoring during the school day. HMT’s mission is to ensure that all elementary students develop a strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success.
Other Teaching Experience
College Prep Mentor
Circle K International (March 2023 - April 2024)
Circle K International (CKI) is one of the world’s largest student-led collegiate service organizations. As a chairperson for the organization, I conducted monthly webinars and spoke at live conferences to guide high schoolers through the college application process.
Workshop and Elective Leader
Sunrise Day Camp (June 2022 - August 2022)
Sunrise Day Camp's mission is to bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings, worldwide. My role at the summer camp included hosting life skills workshops on topics such as resume building, financial literacy, and email writing. I also developed elective programs to teach campers about visual branding, hand lettering, and web design.
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